What can you do?
First step - email your MP. We clearly need to educate our representatives in both energy matters and money matters - and it starts with you.
This doesn't have to be too daunting - many organisations have sample emails to copy and paste to get you started...
Emailing your MP is easy. You can find them and email them from this site:
It will even find your MP for you if you don’t know who they are. You might just ask them to have a look at this site, or you might say something like:
Dear [name of MP],
I am keen to see that you are currently doing everything possible to reduce energy bills for your constituents, (“fight climate change”, “improve the UK’s energy security” whichever you prefer and think might catch their eye). I have come across information that you may not be aware of that has convinced me that there is a lot more that the government could be doing.
I would be grateful if you would take a few minutes of your time to review this, and then take the action you deem appropriate to most benefit your constituents.
Yours, etc..
This might be particularly effective where the MP’s constituency has a coastline!
Second step – tell people about this on social media. The more people are aware of this, the more likely we can get government to take action.
It often seems that there is little we can do, and the whole problem of climate change is too big for us. Well, if a lot of us do a little it ends up being a lot!
Here are nine little things that we can all do:
One thing on the list that sounds daunting but is actually fairly simple is to move your banking. If you bank with someone who doesn’t support fossil fuel exploitation then your money isn’t being used for that purpose! Once you start the process it’s pretty well all automatic, and very simple.
It’s up to all of us to push our politicians in the right direction despite the lobbying of the oil and gas companies!